Friday, August 12, 2011

Good Times

Here is something that is difficult to do spontaneously unless you live on a property.

Some members of the family were going to see a school musical and others were extremely disappointed that they were not allowed to go. We decided to see if we could have a fire and bought marshmallows in case we could. If we couldn't, candles are good for marshmallow cooking.

When we got home the kids rang their dad and asked for a fire and he said yes so they spent some time collecting wood. We made home-made pizza's and ate them outside at the fire, we cooked marshmallows and experimented with the best way to cook them, then we used sticks to poke the fire and light bits that were sticking out.

I maintain that firstly the best way to eat a marshmallow is to cook it slowly over the hot coals till it is melted not burnt and I have converted the two who were with me to that effect. Also, when asked why we needed sticks, I pointed out the 3 main uses for a fire, firstly to burn rubbish, secondly to cook marshmallows and thirdly to poke with a stick. Other people thought keeping warm was a fairly big use but I reckon that is just an added bonus.

It was a REALLY good night.

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