Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Afternoon tea

Because apparently school food is not very nice, the kids come home pretty hungry and desirous of snacks. The usual choice is chips and shapes which are nice but not very filling or good for you, they are also expensive and essentially made from air. As a result of this I have started, when I feel inclined, to cook food for them for afternoon tea, this is because it is cheaper and nicer and I am usually bored anyway.
The first time, I made Anzac Slice (essentially Anzac biscuits but pressed into a tin, this is quicker and easier then biscuits). They were ok except that it was hard to ensure it was cooked properly without burning.
Next I did pikelets, these are good and went down pretty well but they need to be cooked fairly recently to be at all nice.
Yesterday I made pumpkin scones, these were just coming out of the oven when the family got home and were extremely nice. When they came inside they asked what I had made, I said scones, I did not mention pumpkin until they had eaten them. I then asked them if they liked the pumpkin scones and everyone stopped and there was some exclamation of shock and horror and then they decided it was ok, they could eat them again. Their mum and I laughed ourselves silly. Then there was one left over and my boss and I were going to go halves but suddenly three voices clearly indicated they would like a piece too.
Next time I will make 2 each I think.


  1. I forgot how good pumpkin scones are. And they are so easy. It's ages since I made them. You should try baking bread! Once you've figured out a recipe it's easy to vary it. Not as healthy as pumpkin scones maybe.

  2. Pumpkin scone have sugar in them. And totally delicious.
