Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Cat Communication

Those of you who have been in the vicinity of cats for any length of time will know that cats train their humans and they have a number of commands which we obey usually unhesitatingly. The most common three are
1) FEEEEEEED MEEEEEEEE, I am STAAAAAARVING. This is both a vocal command and, if the response is not instant, rubbing against legs and generally making a nuisance of themselves.
2) Up now, let me in/out this instant! This is mainly vocal but usually includes the death stare if one does not respond quickly.

3) This is one that I did not realize even existed but it is "go and sit down or lie down somewhere so I can sleep on you." This is the most tricky to work out, it sounds and looks the same as the first commandexcept that when you go and look there is already food there. Romeo has given up the verbal bit and just falls over in front of where I am walking as seen here.

Rub foot and roll

Lay still for a moment, confident in the irritating nature of his position
Look up and say "come on, what are you waiting for?

After a hard days sleeping on a chair, he is ready for a nap on my stomach.


  1. Hi Julia, i stumbled across your blog yesterday and sent the link to mum and she wanted to leave a comment but didnt have a profile so she sent it to me to send to you...

    I feel like I've been missing out on months of pleasure by not knowing your blog was here, Julia! I have really enjoyed reading about what you are doing & thinking - a talent I didn't know you had (the writing, not the thinking!!). I think it will make a great book, hopefully called 'The Skipping Nanny'.

    Along the way I was reminded of the letters my mum wrote faithfully after I left home - I always felt like I was sitting at the table at home having a chat with her.
    I wondered whether you have tried wearing soft cotton gloves while you are sleeping after you put moisturiser on - it seems to help. Also, Eulactol works wonders for cracked feet - maybe it would be good for your much-washed hands?
    Keep writing.....

  2. Wow, thanks Ruth and Taire, sometimes when I am posting I wonder if anyone is even reading it besides my sisters and parents. It is nice to know my writing has improved a little too.
    I have, on some occasions, seriously disturbed the family I work for by laughing helplessly at something mum has written. I love letters.
    Thanks for reading. I will keep writing. I will try the gloves and things.
