Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lovely days

Because of going out to make the most of possibly the last bit of sun before winter, we have had 2 lovely, tiring afternoons. Yesterday we rode to the beach and back, about 3 kilometers round trip. Today we stuck the bikes in the car and took them to a park with a bike track. The boys rode up and down hills for about 45 minutes and the little 3 yr old girl rode carefully around and didn't fall off. This was why we took bikes, yesterday she had a painful stack so we needed to have a go without falling off.

Then we went and got pizza for dinner and took it to the rocks by the water and watched the most stunning sunset I have seen in a long time, complete with pink water, fiery clouds and dolphins swimming close to the shore.

As a result of all this physical activity, I went to sleep this morning at 930 (the only way I could get out of bed was to promise myself a delayed sleep in) and Jake went to sleep by 8 pm tonight. Today he did more exercise then me because he ran in a Macathon at school and rode his bike at the park. Our walk this morning was about 4 kilometers and he was still full of energy this afternoon. He is happier and sleeping better and getting more happy time with me and his mother. I think his concentration is better and he is complaining less about headaches and drinking more water. He is not a fat child, if anything he is skinny, but he has some of the same difficulties overweight people have. Difficulty sleeping, unhealthy, constantly tired, unwilling to move, headaches, picky about eating good food. 

Will see how he copes towards the end of the week or fortnight. This is really hard on his brother and sister because they are getting tireder rather then more energetic. 

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