Friday, May 4, 2012

Walking again

Last night there was a HUGE rainstorm that woke me up. I turned off my alarm because I can't take kids for walks in a massive rain dump. Sadly it was not to be. I woke up naturally a 5:55 and it was not even raining a tiny bit. I woke up the 7 yr old and then, as part of last nights deal, the 5 yr old. It took a long time to argue 7 awake and into his clothes. This was interspersed with getting 5 into his clothes and me into mine. Unfortunately while we were arguing quietly we woke up thee 3 yr old. So she came.

Once we were all ready, and I had written a note to explain the absence of not one three children, we left. As we walked off down the path Annie, the cat, had the same bout of curiosity that the younger kids had about where we go and what we do. She followed us for maybe 2 kilometers around the block, calling out and complaining the whole way. She is a ragdol, that is probably more then she has ever walked in her life.

I am seriously running out of energy because I keep staying up late. However after a tired middle of the week due to too much physical activity, 7 gained more energy at school again. I only have eight more mornings to do before we review if it is still worth doing. Or even before I stop the morning thing and just do afternoon activity to tire him out. I will see how quickly he slips back into a late sleeping pattern.

1 comment:

  1. You could have 'rest days', that is what I call days I do no exercise. To recover energy. Even every second day.
