Sunday, May 27, 2012

Pointing stuff out.

I prefer to live in blissful ignorance about unimportant or annoying thing then to have some observant person pointing it out. I am not going to say I am the most observant person in the world, or even in the room I am in. Therefore I am usually in blissful ignorance about the buttchins on actors or the irritating inconsistencies in movies. Heather, my very close sister, is quite observant in ways I am happy not being. Today for example, having visited me only once before,  she pointed out that most of the cars here have a BSN number plate. I had not noticed this but then we saw that 5 of the cars in the church parking lot had that number plate and 2 of the 4 cars at my friends place were BSN numbers.

Thanks to my sister, I will now notice something I was blissfully unaware of.

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