Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Power of Suggestion

When you mention to a child that you have a sore stomach, they will usually either immediately or a few days later, tell you they have a sore stomach. There is some power in suggestion. This is not to say that they are lying, they may actually have, or believe they have, a sore stomach.

I do this too. My friends explain their illnesses and difficulties and I begin to sort of practice what it would be like to have these. With one friend it was mild epilepsy, not fainting or convulsing, just spacing out for a minute or two. Mum said I was starting to do it too and told me to stop. Recently it has been Anxiety (I say recently meaning last night and the night before) I have been busy lately, I have been iron deficient, and have been sleeping not brilliantly and I have been feeling anti social. Because I have been out every night for a week and except for tonight and look forward to many more busy times, I was starting to feel anxious. Now usually I take things one at a time and it doesn't worry me, also I look forward to everything that I do. However last night on the way home from bible study I was getting myself into a mild panic by thinking about how many nights in a row I had out plus full days of work. I was not thinking helpfully, it was going in circles and mounting up higher, thinking about what had already been done and what still needed doing. I made myself calm down and remember that I was getting a whole day and evening where I only needed to be out once to collect the kids.

What I found interesting was that I was only getting anxious because a friend of mine struggles with that and I was copying.

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