Monday, May 28, 2012

Misplaced Modesty

Not talking about clothing here. Modest clothing is never misplaced. I am talking about how to graciously accept thanks and praise for a job well done. I have swung through various fazes of responses, none of them very beneficial to me or others. My responses have ranged from "Are you teasing me or do you genuinely think it was good?" Not in those words but that was the intent behind, to "I know I am amazing!!!!" I don't say this in a serious way.

The thing about compliments though is they are pleasant to give, and they take practice, so a gracious, encouraged response is beneficial to both parties. For the complimenter, they will know that they have done something loving and uplifting, and may well continue to spread the love to others. For the complimentee they will practice humility in accepting the compliment humbly and will be encouraged by the compliment rather then brushing it off. Also accepting a compliment teaches how to give compliments.

Things I have noticed about compliment receiving and giving. Firstly they need to be true and considered, not just the first thought that pops into the head as they tend to be shallow. A real compliment is considered carefully and delivered thoughtfully with the goal to encourage the other person. Secondly, it cannot sound or be condescending. This is especially easy to accidentally do when complimenting children. A carefully considered compliment will not generally sound shallow and condescending. Thirdly, if all intelligent responses to a compliment fail? A smile and a thankyou are pretty much ideal as a response.

At youth group the other night, the host said that desert was just cake and ice-cream. We nodded and said that would be lovely. When we were clearing the plates from the table, we saw the cakes and they looked really good, they were covered in sliced up chocolate bars. "OHHHH" we said "Justcake and ice-cream" It has become and understatement joke among the group and we still refer back to the night we had "Justcake"

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