Saturday, March 10, 2012

Being Alone

There are a few different kinds of being alone, some good and some not good.

The first one is the "I have nobody to spend time with at the moment" This is a kind of forced alone-ness and can have different effect on people

The second kind is the "I need a bit of alone time from being friendly and social" This is voluntary and usually pleasant.

Both of these alone times can be cheerful or depressing, and the depressing kind can be cleansing or blaming of others.

Being alone and going for a walk and singing sad lonely songs, like On My Own from Les Mis if one of my favourite passtimes. This is one of the cleansing depressing times alone and I usually come back feeling better. Being alone and pleasantly taking the time to look at things and enjoy things while singing cheerful Disney songs or talking to myself or God is another really good alone time. Both of these require rhythmic movement like walking, swimming or digging.
Sometimes though the alone time is spent with me venting to myself about how frustrating everyone else is and how none of this is my fault. After a little while, I start feeling silly as God reminds me to be less self absorbed then I get happy.

Talking on the phone is not really alone time, sometimes in the first kind of loneliness, when there is just nobody else, I ring someone for company and usually vent or talk mindlessly to them.

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