Sunday, February 19, 2012

Importance of Church

As a Christian, church is important. It by no means makes you a Christian or makes you stay as a Christian but it helps to remind you of what it is to be a Christian and to bring you the support of like minded people. Someone once told me that nearly all churches do systematic preaching through whole books of the bible. Just so you know this is not true if you don't live in Sydney.

Last year I was in a hard place with not a lot of bible teaching and very reserved shy old people. I like old people and they like me. The main thing I found difficult was the lack of bible teaching, and the change and growth that comes from that. Also, while I was not completely lacking in support both from home and from the people in the church, I had less support then I am accustomed to and struggled to remain humble and teachable. I also really missed out on the young company who can laugh and mock and hear what I am saying.

I went home for the summer holidays and went to CMS Summer School and then Inland Mission in Singleton and just soaked up the teaching and the modeling from other Christians like a dry sponge soaks up water.

Now I am in a church with firstly a preaching plan that goes through whole books of the bible, and secondly in a bible study with some of the loveliest, godliest people I have met. They are fun and humble and one in particular came and took me under her wing and adopted me into her family. I am SO grateful to God for answering prayers and providing love, support and bible teaching and making it a joy to go to church again.

Last year God helped me to see how hard it is in biblical droughts to learn, grow and remain humble. This year he may help me to grow in humbleness while I am serving others.

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