Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cleaning teeth

My mum taught us all to clean our teeth regularly. A common conversation in our house when we were little ran like this:
Mum "time to clean teeth"
Me " No I don't want to" (teeth cleaning leads instantly to bedtime, that is worth putting off where possible)
Mum "You can come and clean your teeth or you can go to bed now with furry teeth"
I would then run to clean my teeth. This was a double threat to me, firstly cleaning teeth put off bedtime for a few more minutes so it was worth it, but secondly, the idea of teeth growing fur was horrifying to me and obviously a toothbrush prevented this.
Now, as I sit here post breakfast and pre teeth cleaning, I feel utterly revolting and unclean because my mouth isn't done. For some people it is showers to feel ready, for me it is cleaning teeth.

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