I like dogs, I will never get a puppy (famous last words) after taking a pretty big part in raising the Labrador puppy on the farm, and donating the occasional personal item to her enjoyment. I still like dogs though and really enjoyed playing with her and training her to fetch, crawl, play hide and seek, and go and find the old dog for breakfast time.
Today I was visiting a friend in Ashtonfield and on my way back saw a boxer, complete with a collar, running about the road. I called it, figuring if it came, I could take it home and thus call it's owner or take it to the vet, if it ignored me, well I tried. It rushed over to me with a look of dribbly joy and I read that its tag told me its name and some of the phone number. I took it home and it followed me pretty well, much to the relief of the lady with a pram that we happened upon.
When we got to the vet I said "I found a dog, I can't read the number on the tag, it leaves out some fairly important numbers." He said to read out the numbers so I read "0, 4, 0, 5, something, 3, something, something, something, something." Mum walked in to hear this and said "that's not very useful is it" The vet came and put a lead on the dog and took off the collar thinking the wriggly dog was preventing accurate reading... not the case. I find it odd that he wouldn't think "Maybe she already thought to ring the owner and save herself a drive to the vet." No he assumed I had not thought of that and rushed immediately into his helpful presence.
Happily the dog was micro-chipped and he should be back at home soon.