Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sorting a Packing

I am temporarily home between jobs. When I arrived home, My stuff was transported into Heather's room, Heather is not using it, and put onto the ground. Heather's room has residual junk from both Heather and Jessica and by the time my junk arrived, it was getting pretty cramped. I did a brief sort out of things and junk, including the lounge box in the family room where mum had put my junk so our boarder could move in. This included books from my bookshelf, all jammed in with the other junk. I have a LOT of books so I moved them back to my bookshelf and thus made a mess and room for more stuff.

Today I began to sort through what I would take to Perth and what I could begin to pack now and how to go about it... The theory was to turn this
And this
Into this
And this

As you can see there was some degree of success, The stuff I won't be needing till Perth is packed and the other stuff is sort of sorted into appropriate places including the bag to take to Summer School and Maitland Alive... And the lounge box is shut!

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