Sunday, September 25, 2011


There are two perspectives (at least) in every event, issue, process and story. One of these I had not considered the other side of is the job hunting scene. I am obviously more experienced with the looking for employment side of it, as most of us are, but what about the other half... the potential employers.

Since moving to work for the boss of a company I have heard a lot about the frustrations of finding staff for their business and, more so, of finding nannies. Specifically nanny role applications (which I hear more about) the first frustration is the applicants not actually reading the ad properly and when they are contacted saying they actually don't want the job because of xyz. The second irritating thing is people applying who don't even remotely meet the requirements, for example never having spent time alone with any children of any age (seems a frivolous requirement I know). The third frustration is when people agree to come and then pull out before leaving home for whatever reason. The fourth frustration is people coming and then leaving 2 weeks later because they only accepted the job so they could get a working visa into the country.

One of the other weird things I found out is that when you put down referees on your resume or similar, the potential employer is meant to only call them with your knowledge and permission and then your referee's are not actually allowed to tell them anything useful. This strikes me as pointless, why put down referee's if you don't expect somebody to give them a call. Why call a referee if they are not allowed to give any useful information. Easier to work with integrity and have nothing to hide and then they can ask and tell what ever they like (as long as it is true).

Just out of interest I wrote that entire post while Romeo the cat was asleep on my lap with his paw across the keyboard so I had to keep shifting it to get to the letters.

Also some of this information may be wrong, this is just what I have gathered and as a result I actually read ads now and only apply for jobs I actually want (assuming I get asked of course)

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