Monday, July 11, 2011


I have two sisters and the older one, Jessica, tries occasionally to improve me and my brother (my other sister rarely needs "improving" but she still tries). Such improvement attempts over the years have included giving Matthew a "man-grooming kit" in the hopes he will use it, taking me clothes shopping, teaching me to sing a tune while she harmonizes, telling Matthew that, contrary to what Matthew may think, he actually DOES enjoy things like gardening and shopping.

The most recent one was giving me Chai Latte as part of my birthday present. I laughed when I saw it and the family I work for instantly began saying they should have bought me a mug for it to go in BUT they knew I don't like hot drinks. I said Jessica knows this too but she is trying to improve me long distance.

Most of these "improvements" are fine and often even helpful, it just amuses me that she is still doing it long distance. Thanks Jess.


  1. Have you tried it? Don't mock it til you've tasted it!

  2. Yes I tried it. I had also had some at a camp once and I like it in the same way I like hot chocolate. Nice enough to begin with, but sickening after a while.

  3. Oh well, don't drink anymore, just keep them and bring them back for me.
