Tuesday, July 19, 2011


I am NOT superstitious but I can see why people are. Here in the "Sunny" north, it has been raining almost constantly. My employer has a nice pair of boots that we call 'rainboots' because every time she wears them, it rains. We have now forbidden them but it only sort of stopped the rain. For my birthday, mum and dad gave me an incredible raincoat, designed by a person who actually went into the rain at some point. As a result of this, I would not mind a bit of rain so I can wear it and not feel silly. Almost since my parents visited, it only rained significantly while I was visiting Brisbane.
IF I was superstitious then between the rainboots being banished and my raincoat wanting to be used, we can cause a drought :)

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering today if you had gumboots. They aren't very comfortable shoes but they are comfortably dry. We're having plenty of rain this week in Sydney... 4th day of heavy, street-flooding rain.
