Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mental Children.

There was an episode at the end of last term when one of the children had a little bit of lime and pineapple flavoured chocolate and went crazy. She was disobedient and jumpy and violent and loud and unreasonable. This was different to a tantrum because tantrums wear the child out and they become repentant and reasonable afterwards. This was sustained, defiant, intentional, unstoppable disobedience.

There has always been an awareness that some foods affect all three, however the checking of food had become relaxed. I have begun to ask around and find out from her teacher and from other parents what they have noticed with their children and with her. I asked her teacher if she noticed any unusual behaviour after eating certain food to let me know. She said that usually she has a roll up in the afternoon and then she becomes a bit silly. Another lady said twisties are almost guaranteed to set kids off.

Yesterday she ate good food all day, she was home all day and I was there for every meal and snack that she had. Still she was a bit crazy in the afternoon. I could think of nothing that she had eaten that could set this off. I though maybe tv instead of resting was the problem. She was testing being violent, she refused to wear footwear, she lost all her babies and their friends, she was not allowed to play, she was unrepentantly obnoxious for about 2 hours. Maybe more except that the movie was on so I didn't notice.

Today it was discovered that there was a cough lolly wrapper in her bed. She must have sneaked it when we weren't looking. That kind of cough lolly had previously set her off.

We are going to do a health kick for the kids and drop all their rubbish food. They can learn to like real food, or they can starve.

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