Monday, March 18, 2013

Vegetable Juice Fast

After watching a program on TV about the benefits of a Juice Fast, we decided to borrow a juicer.

The thing about a juice fast is it usually increases your vitamin and vegetation intake by a huge amount, often from practically nothing to 100% of your diet. This your body has the time to detox from all the rubbish eaten before hand while it receives the much needed nutrients it has been denied. While it seems to be a myth that some foods help the detox process, it does help not to put more toxic foods into your body while your liver and kidneys are trying to do their job.

I never planned on a full Juice Fast because I am a fairly healthy eater, my breakfast is filling and full of fibre, my lunch includes lots of salad (usually), dinner is the main problem though since I don't provide that for myself. I was noticing an increase in the chips and pastry and take away at mealtimes and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. I am not against junk food, I just like to choose when I eat it rather then have others decide. We figured then that if dinner proved to be unwholesome I could have Juice instead or as well. Therefore we borrowed a juicer.

Here is what I discovered. 1) Vegetable Juice is an acquired taste, I don't really like it. 2) The Juicer is a pain to clean with a vast number of components. 3) It takes about 3 apples to make a small glass of Juice. 4) Stuff that is nice whole tastes like ditchwater when it is juiced (celery and cucumber) 5) All the recipes discount red apples for some reason (they are really nice, like lemonade). 6) when you juice carrots the pulp left over is really good in wraps and sandwiches. It still tastes fine, it does not soggy up the bread, and it is grated up really finely. I very nearly put cheese through the Juicer to see if it also grated up fine. I restrained myself since it is an expensive thing to break.

All in all the Juice fast wouldn't work for me because firstly I don't like enough of the vegetable juice to even nearly maintain a balanced diet and secondly, I like the texture of vegetables and Juice removes all that. However that is not to say it would not work for anyone. Especially if they have diet related health problems I would highly recommend trying it for 10 days.

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