Sunday, December 30, 2012


This is everywhere, age segregation in school, gender segregation in bathrooms, I can't be bothered to think of more. Some of these are good things (like public bathrooms) some could be argued either way (like school), however the one I will have a rant about today is clothes.

When one goes shopping for clothes at a large shops like Target or Big W, the clothes are segregated by fat and thin people. If you are size 16 or lower, you may not have realized this but the 18+ clothes are in a section all by themselves. It is like saying to people "Fat people are over here, they need fat people clothes." Now I am aware that this is probably not the intent, but that is how it feels.

When looking around in the "Fat People Section" compared to the "skinny People Section" You notice a definite change in style as well. I am very aware that clothes that look good on skinny people do not look good on fat people, but that is for the person to decide. To be totally honest some clothes don't even look that attractive on thin people.

When one shops in an actual clothes store, the whole shop is either skinny or fat. The clothing options and even underwear options open to you is completely different and further labels you as fat or thin.

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