Thursday, March 8, 2012

Vulture Children

Have you ever noticed that when a child gets himself into strife, either of the discipline sort or the "oops, that wasn't supposed to happen and now a grown up is here" sort, other children crowd round to watch the carnage. I noticed it today. I heard some distressed tears and, following them to their source, found a child in the toilet who had accidentally made a mess and unsuccessfully cleaned it up. He had tried so hard to clean it up before being found in disgrace that he had clogged the toilet with toilet paper. Trying to flush the toilet was what brought on the tears because the water wouldn't go away.
I went in and he said "I got poo everywhere, I couldn't clean it up and I got it EVERYWHERE... there is poo everywhere." I told him we could fix this up, it's ok. So he said "There's even poo on my shorts, and shirt (near his collar believe it or not) and my shoes." I assured him we could fix it and set about doing this. The whole time his younger sister was "helping" with a big grin on her face and just as we finished and she had to get her hair done, she gleefully informed her mother what had happened.
Children are vultures when another child is in some form of trouble. They come from near and far to watch thee show while the poor child in the middle just wishes he could hide under a bed.

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