Friday, October 28, 2011


Usually it is Friday the puppy who is in trouble for being a pest, this is because she deserves it. We leave anything out there for any length of time and she will swoop in a steal it. She used to put everything in the garden nearby but now she is going further afield. There is a definite sense of knowing mischief in her behaviour, today I saw her look round and then quickly jump up to grab a horse brush and run away. She was extremely quick as I was standing about 2 meters away at the time.

The old dog though, she can usually do no wrong. Her name is Simba and is usually good and is too old and slow to cause much damage anyway. However, if left to her own devices for long enough, she will engage in a bit of trouble making. This is like great grandma playing a practical joke and only being suspected because she is the only one around. Yesterday I went to collect the kids from school and as I left I thought "I should kick Simba outside or she will mess up the bin." I didn't and when we got home one of the kids said "what happened to the bin?" I said "If it is spread all over the place, Simba came in a riffled through it again" She was lying innocently in her bed.
Today is a nice day and there is no reason for her to be inside but she barged past my leg and went trotting through the house to her mat. She is deaf as a post so if you want her attention you need to touch her. I caught up to her and she looked round then went faster and stood on her mat. I opened the door and indicated she should vacate but she pretended to obey then hurried back to her mat. This behaviour in a younger dog would be like "Ha ha you can't catch me" While dancing nimbly out of reach. Simba is so old it is just funny though.

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