Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More cats

You thought the posts had stopped about cats? No, just a little pause while I waited for more cats to come into my life. I have now accumulated a few funny stories about cats sleeping or lying on me.

One day I was lying asleep on a couch and Romeo was asleep lying on top of me with his head on my shoulder. I was so deeply asleep that I forgot he was there at all, feeling like it was a cushion or similar. Anyway suddenly he hits me in the face with his paw. I started awake and thought "That was odd" and went back to sleep again. He hit me about twice more before I realized he was trying to get a fly.

One night Wednesday was in my room and wanted out but I could not be bothered opening the door at that time. She tried giving subtle hints and then came and lay on me. I was lying on my side watching TV (which is why I didn't get up) she came and lay balanced on my arm with her bottom at my elbow and her nose in my ear and proceeded to purr as loudly as possible. There was limited on my tv at the time so it was really hard to hear. Happily she went to sleep after a few minutes, nose still in my ear, and proceeded to dribble gently down my ear canal. Even so I eventually forgot she was there and got a huge fright when she suddenly moved her head.

Today I was lying on my bed and Pickles was lying on my tummy. After much stomping around and checking that it feels the same as it did five minutes ago, she lay down. Her head was at the top of my leg and her tail was in my mouth. I have not yet decided if cats can control there own tails. It felt like Pickles and I were playing a reflex game, she tries to flick my face with her tail and I try to catch it before she does.

I lay there giggling to myself and recalling some of the other odd cats I have been around and thought I might share my recollections.

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